Friday, November 25, 2011

How do I stop biting my nails?

I have this habit of biting my nails. I never used to care about it before but now I feel bad when I see my friends' long nails and such. I want to stop biting my NAILS... I have tried everything from nasty tasting nail polish to putting pepper on my nails but the truth is I cannot stop!!!

Please Help... I'm a girl and want to stop fast...How do I stop biting my nails?
ergh. i want to sto also!

but what my mom did was she put garlic juice on my finger nails and i stopped biting them =]

but good luck!

seriuosy arent girls supposed to have cutesy finger nails? XDHow do I stop biting my nails?
Buy pretty nail stuff, you wont want to bite pretty nails


get pretty acrylic nails, spend alot of money so that you feel you wont want to waste your money by just biting them off.


Get a friend or your mom to yell at you whenever you do


Keep yourself occupied so you avoid the nail to mouth interaction


Wear gloves

If none of these work, know that it will better in time, I just stopped biting my nails, the habit kind of ran its course.
A lot of nail-biters have really thin fingernails, which makes it harder to grow them long because you can snag them on a sweater and tear them off. You could try getting a set of acrylic or gel nails -- you'll probably find that the desire to bite your nails disappears immediately. Your hands will look better, you won't have any hangnails, and you'll be busy admiring your nails instead of chewing on them.
1. hold on to a small object, such as a stone or a ball, to keep your hands busy and out of your mouth.

2. set up a reward system. use a calendar to keep track of how many days you go without giving in to your habit, and give yourself a treat if you meet your goal

3. ask someone else who has had that habit and ask them how they stopped, they might have some unique ways
I used to bite my nails too... I picked an important event that I wanted nails for, mine was my wedding. I stopped biting them and was determined to let them grow. When they got a little longer I went and had them painted to encourage me to leave them alone. I kept leaving them alone and by the time my wedding came along they were so pretty!
I always bite mine, it's such a bad habit. I stopped for a while. If you keep nail polish on them diligently, or even just clear, it will taste bad and you won't want to bite them. Even just dipping your fingernails in nail polish remover taste terrible so you won't do it.
ok obivously you want your nail nice and long, but maybe if you cut them short there will be nothing to bite for a while and might help stop you from biting your nails. after when you know you have improved, grow them back again.
you could always put band-aids on the tips of your fingers, wear gloves, or put something that you wouldn't want in your mouth on the tips of your fingers..
wear gloves
try to paint them so they way u wont want to bite them that what i do

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