Friday, November 25, 2011

I am trying to let my nails grow since I`ve always had the habit of biting them?

but now there is a thin layer growing before the actual nail should I clip it off or should i just let it grow?I am trying to let my nails grow since I`ve always had the habit of biting them?
let it grow.I am trying to let my nails grow since I`ve always had the habit of biting them?
Let it grow. Paint your nails a cute color so you will always make sure they loook fab.
let it grow! there is also a type of nai lpolish that is clear and it is for bitting nails it tast really, REALLY, REALLY bad!!!!!!! it is suposed to stop you frowm biting your nails
let it grow. my sister used to have a really bad nail biting habit and what she did was put band aids on her fingers. or some times its just a nervous thing and the need to keep ur hands busy, try chewing gum so then u cant bit ur nails.
visit this site for more details

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