Friday, November 25, 2011

Removing smell of garlic on hands/nails?

Hi, I cook a lot and use fresh garlic in a lot of recipes. Sometimes, no matter how many times I wash my hands, the smell of garlic stays on them. How to remove?Removing smell of garlic on hands/nails?
Rub lemon.Removing smell of garlic on hands/nails?
I learned an old cook's trick in the Army. Run warm water in the kitchen sink. If you have a stainless steel sink, wet your hands and rub them continuously against the inside of the sink. Something about the stainless steel counteracts with the smell and takes it away. Then wash your hands with regular soap.
I have a stainless soap shaped thing which is great for that, I got it from one of those rubbish catalogues that drop through the letter box
Wash your hands with soap and cold (not warm or hot ) water.

If it still smells rub your hands in a stainless steel (knife or spoon) then wash it again with cold water.
stainless steel works to remove the smell.
Try lemon juice it works pretty good to remove the odor from your hands.
luv garlic, your right about the smell. lemon juice works for me.
Use lemon.
you should rub your hands on other people, so they think they smell and they wont know your the stinky garlic man!!
I cook with fresh garlic like you do. Rubbing your fingers on stainless steel works to take the smell off. I have bought a scent remover which is stainless steel in the shape of a bar of soap, for very inexpensively, that I keep on the window ledge above my kitchen sink. But rubbing your fingers on any stainless steel works as well. Or you could buy those disposable food handling gloves which they sell in grocery stores now and use those when you handle garlic.
Stainless steel. I rub hands over my kitchen taps to get rid of the smell.
rub yours hands with cut sides of a fresh lemon this doesnt get it all off at first it a few times wash in between. Ive also heard celery can help too this one I have NOT tried but its worth a shot. You can also try lemon soap CO Bigelow makes a great lemon hand soap bath and body works sells it or you can ge tit at CO's web site I keep this at my kitchen sink.鈥?/a>

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