Friday, November 25, 2011

Who in particular,in your opinion,totally fooked up the UK for once and for all?Who banged the final nails in?

Coffin?Who in particular,in your opinion,totally fooked up the UK for once and for all?Who banged the final nails in?
I knew some not so bright spark would shout Margaret Thatcher ! The UK has been getting progressively worse since May 1997. What with all those with the Stalinist tendencies following our every move and turning local councils in to arms of the snoopers state just remember Maggie did nothing like that. Nor did she cut your income by 30 % like our New Labour Prime Minister.Who in particular,in your opinion,totally fooked up the UK for once and for all?Who banged the final nails in?
What utter garbage by the chosen answer.

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While this was superficially the reckless trading of bankers, I believe this to have been the penultimate phase of a plan that was effected when the Blair government was elected.

Since the election of Blair, supporters of the New World Order have been infiltrated into all levels of National and Local government, Quangos and major public intuitions such as Education and the NHS.

Under the guise of multiculturalism and diversity, existing entities and procedures have been dismantled to be replaced by the ineffective, inefficient and corrupt. This has set the stage for the current financial crisis and coming depression which will be used as justification for UK entry into the Euro and the surrender of our remaining few freedoms to Brussels. Nation states are being destroyed to facilitate the implementation of the New World Order's ultimate goal, sIngle world government.
Gordon Brown was a complete novice when he was made Chancellor but thought he knew it all. He immediately gave the Banks the freedom to operate without any restrictions. That was the start of all this. Credit was offered to anybody who could sign a piece of paper.

No security required. I saw people with streams of credit cards spending amounts they could not possibly pay back. For ten years this went on and although Brown was warned about the danger he did nothing to stem the flow. No credit restrictions as in the past. Just free range borrowing. That was the start and that was the cause. In my opinion the greed of the financial world spread from here to the USA not the other way round. Gordon says he has saved the world. He has not he has smashed the world economy via the wrecking of the UK
margaret thatcher, pure and simple, she closed all the main businesses in the uk, she sold our oil to the russians, and she came up with poll tax, all three of these things incited thousands and thousands of people to riot in the uk, she did so much more than just these.

the uk has never and never will be the same again.
There are so many people who have been working on it for so long. Much of it was done silently, and we didn't realise how bad things had got until it was too late. Some of the major players were Blair and his cabinet, local councils and everyone who could be called members of the hated PC brigade.
Tony Bliar and then that poor idiot Brown the Clown - in his eagerness to snatch the keys to No.10 he was too dim to see what Bliar was bequeathing to him.

Serves him glad, the useless buffoon, I've seen more life in a Bile Bean than this tos*er..
The UK ain't fooked up. Stop reading internet conspiracy garbage.
Maggie the Cow tried but last time I looked you're still the UK.
Globalists. The same people ******** up the USA.
Blair and Brown with a little help from their friends.
Tony Blair, then ran off and left Gordon Brown to face the music!
maggie, john, blair, brown any body after winston churchill o and THE PEOPLE!
Blair then Brown
It was the UK itself...okay it was bush and Prince charles..did not know they were 9th cousins did ya? YUP!

place a photo of the queen mum next to Geo. Bush. Senior. Halloo!

now pull out your photo of Charles, Diane and the two boys.

The oldest resembles Charles. Now look at the younger boy. What th?

If you do not see geo bush in that lad's face, I mean if it does not jump at you, then You need glasses.

Oh, Yahoo IS going to pull this question Go ahead and give me best answer. Let's get something out of this. By the way Bin Laden,Ltd.

and the bush cartel go way back, just google Bin LadenLtd.
barrack osama

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